
Visual artist, Scenographer, Architect
born in 1983 in France
works and lives in Berlin
represented by artnow Gallery Berlin


Sometimes we lack the right words to say, sometimes they are superfluous and when finally we do manage to utter them, often that’s when nobody hears them. There are so many words we can’t say that we just leave hanging there unsaid. Whether it is in her artwork on paper or in her installations, Emilie Cognard has offen worked in those grey areas which lie somewhere between screaming out loud and silence. How can the indescribable be formulated? How can form be given to what is so fleeting and ephemeral? ” 
Thibault Bissirier, Émilie Cognard-Intérieur, July 2023

Emilie Cognard works with ink, water and paper, using these simple means to create highly complex drawings of marked depth.  With her works she questions the concept of emptiness; even more so, she questions our homogenized outlook on the world. The results are exceptionally fine compositions that are highly concentrated, flowing, amorphous, highly dynamic and yet almost contemplative.
Felix Brosius, “Traces of flowing transience”, Art Salon, March 2022


// VISUAL ARTS // Drawing – Installation //
Solo and Group Exhibitions, Art Fairs, Grants

Affordable Art Fair
, presented by Artnow Gallery, Berlin, Germany // Art Fair

Winter Salon, Artnow Gallery, Berlin, Germany // Group exhibition
C.A.R., presented by Artnow Gallery, Essen, Germany // Art Fair
Intérieur, Verwalterhaus – Kulturkapellen, Berlin, Germany // Solo exhibition

Winter Salon, Artnow Gallery, Berlin, Germany // Group exhibition,
Affordable Art Fair, presented by Artnow Gallery, Hamburg, Germany // Art Fair
Positions, presented by Artnow Gallery, Berlin, Germany // Art Fair
100 under 100, Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany // Group exhibition
Artnow or never, Artnow Gallery, Berlin, Germany // Group exhibition
Der Mythos ist hin, curated by artspring berlin festival, Pankow Gallery, Berlin, Germany // Group exhibition
Ink on Paper. Emilie Cognard – Luise von Rohden, Artnow Gallery, Berlin, Germany // Duo exhibition

Creative grant – special program, Department of Culture and Europe of the Berlin Senate, Berlin, Germany

100 under 100, Studio Baustelle, Berlin, Germany // Group exhibition

800 years of the town charter of Geseke, In Situ Installation, Old parish cemetery, Geseke, Germany // Duo exhibition
In collaboration with Andreas Trampe-Kieslich, OMT architects

Grazioli workshop, In Situ Installation, Bildhauerwerkstatt Wedding, Berlin, Germany // Group exhibition

Lire et écrire l’espace, In Situ Installation, Les Sables D’Olonne, France // Group exhibition

Le son dans l’art, In Situ Installation, Université Paris VIII, Paris, France // Group exhibition

Silence 2, In Situ Installation, Parisian maid’s room, Paris, France // Solo exhibition
Silence 1, In Situ Installation, Ateliers Beaux-Arts Paris XIII, Paris, France // Solo exhibition

// SCENOGRAPHY // Stage Design – Exhibition Design //

Intérieur, Verwalterhaus – Kulturkapellen. Berlin, Germany // Exhibition Design & Solo Exhibition

Manoka Express, by Martin Ambara, director : Martin Ambara, Krefeld-Mönchengladbach Theater, Germany // Stage & Costume Design

Der Tod und das Mädchen, by Ariel Dorfman, director : Rafat Alzakout, Krefeld-Mönchengladbach Theater, Germany // Stage & Costume Design

La Lune comme un sabre blanc – Katharina Ziemke, Isabelle Gounod Gallery, Paris, France // Exhibition Design
Könige, by Maria Maier, director : Claudia Marks, Acud Theater, Berlin, Germany // Stage & Costume Design

Ya’Kebir, by Rafat Alzakout and Amal Omran, director : Rafat Alzakout, Theater an der Ruhr, Mülheim, Germany // Stage Design
4.48 Psychose, by Sarah Kane, director : Claudia Marks, Charlottenburg Drama School Studiotheater, Berlin Germany // Stage Design
Your love is fire, by Mudar Alhaggi, director : Rafat Alzakout, Ruhrfestispiele Recklinghausen, Germany // Stage & Costume Design
Please excuse my dear aunt sally, by Kevin Armento, director : Christoph Buchegger. Schaubühne Berlin, Germany // Stage Design

Macht was Ihr wollt, a project by the Schaubühne theater group (Polyrealisten) director : Wiebke None. Schaubühne Berlin, Germany // Stage Design
The flick, by Annie Baker, director : Christoph Buchegger. Schaubühne Berlin, Germany // Stage Design
Poetry Slam : Dead or alive, show presented by Lars Ruppel, Schaubühne Berlin, Germany // Stage Design

Das Tierreich, by Nolte Decar, director : Philipp Harpain, Grips Theater, Berlin, Germany // Stage & Costume Design
in collaboration with Céline Demars, stage designer

Ariodante, by Georg Fridrich Haendel, director : Tristan Braun, Elisabeth Kirche, Berlin, Germany // Stage Design

// SCENOGRAPHY // Stage Design Assistant //

The Silence, by Falk Richter, director : Falk Richter, stage & costume design : Katrin Hoffmann, Theâtre national de Strasbourg, Germany
Sym-phonie MMXX, concept and choreography : Sasha Waltz, stage design : Pia Maier Schriever, Staatsoper Berlin, Germany

Touch, by Falk Richter, directors : F. Richter & A. van Dijk, choreography : Anouk van Dijk, stage design : Katrin Hoffmann, Kammerspiele de Munich, Germany
Kein Licht, by Philippe Manoury, based on texts by Elfriede Jelinek, director : Nicolas Stemann, stage design : Katrin Nottrodt. Ruhrtriennale – Théâtre National de l’Opéra Comique Paris, France

I am Europe, by Falk Richter, director : Falk Richter, stage & costume design : Katrin Hoffmann, Theâtre national de Strasbourg, France

Permanent position at the Schaubühne Berlin :
Le malade imaginaire, by Molière, director : Michael Thalheimer, stage design : Olaf Altmann
Schatten (Eurydike sagt), by Elfriede Jelinek, director : Katie Mitchell, stage design : Alex Eals
Wallenstein, by Friedrich Schiller, director : Michael Thalheimer, stage design : Olaf Altmann
Borgen, adaptation of the eponymous TV series, director : Nicolas Stemann, stage design : Katrin Nottrodt
Mitleid, Die Geschichte des Maschinengewehrs, by Milo Rau, director : Milo Rau, stage design : Anton Lukas
Fear, by Falk Richter, director : Falk Richter, stage design : Katrin Hoffmann
Bella Figura, by Yasmina Reza, director : Thomas Ostermeier, stage design : Jan Pappelbaum

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, by Richard Wagner, director : Andrea Moses, stage design : Jan Pappelbaum, Staatsoper Berlin, Germany
Tannhäuser, by Richard Wagner, director and choregrapher : Sasha Waltz, stage design : Sasha Waltz & Pia Maier-Schriever, Staatsoper Berlin, Germany


2021 & 2016
Extension of a one-family house, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Collaboration with Andreas Trampe-Kieslich, OMT architects

]Dé[construire la ville sur la ville – sur les traces de Berlin,
state diploma in architecture about emptiness and heterogeneity as a strategy for urban reconstruction. with honours.

Quand les murs tombent, la ville se fait scène : des corps et lieux animés ?, Master’s thesis on the interpretation, identification and writing of places through bodies in movement. Dance – Theater – Architecture.


State Architect’s diploma awarding a Master’s degree // with honours.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette, Paris, France

Degree in visual arts // with honours.
University of Paris VIII, Paris, France

Degree in theatre studies
University of Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III, Paris, France

+ 2010-2011
ERASMUS. Academy of Arts in Berlin (UDK), Berlin, Germany

+ 2002-2006
Live model drawing, perspective drawing, architecture, sculpture, interior architecture – ephemeral architecture.
Ateliers Beaux-Arts, Paris, France

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